Rome is a destination that attracts many travellers worldwide. With its rich history, breathtaking architecture, vibrant culture and world-famous cuisine, Rome has something for everyone. Whether your holiday idea is to explore the city and its history or indulge in delicious local cuisine, Rome is your answer.

If you're interested in a 3-day trip to Rome, this blog post will help you figure out what to do and see. I've put together a guide to help you structure your trip and prove that you can explore the highlights of the city in just 3 days.

Things to remember before you go on your city break to Rome

First of all, you should bear in mind that you'll be there just for 3 days. That's enough to see a lot, experience the atmosphere of the city and have a great time overall, but don't make yourself an excessive "to-do" list while you're there. Or make yourself a list - treat it as guidance, a cheat sheet to lean on for inspiration, but don't beat yourself up if you can't tick off everything on your list. Make sure you see and do the things you've been dying to see, but don't worry too much about things you've added with slight hesitation. Leave it on the list in case you have extra time or your preferences change, but don't deny yourself that midday coffee. As exhausting as city breaks can be, they're a fraction of your holiday after all, so leave some space to relax!

Day One: Colosseum and Roman Forum

These are the two most popular and notable monuments in the city. The Colosseum is the largest amphitheatre ever built and definitely deserves the title of "one of the most impressive" as well. You can book a tour and learn more about its rich history, gladiatorial shows and other performances. After the Colosseum, head to the Roman Forum, which is just 5 minutes away. Back in the day, Roman Forum was the heart of social and political life in ancient Rome. Today, you can see the ancient temples' ruins, government buildings and learn more about the daily life of the ancient people of Rome. 

You can stay in the city centre in the evening and explore what it is like at night. There are many restaurants to choose from. You can find anything from a quiet eatery in the back streets to a restaurant overlooking the Colosseum. If you're looking for an alternative, visit Trastevere, a charming neighbourhood across the Tiber River best known for its colourful buildings, narrow streets, and vibrant nightlife. You can enjoy dinner at one of the many restaurants and explore the area's bars. 

Day Two: Vatican City and the Historic Center

Vatican City consisting of about 810 people, is the smallest country in the world. If there is one reason why this independent city-state is worth visiting, it would be the fact it's home to the most impressive art in the world (to name a few, St. Jerome by Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo's Pieta or Last Judgement). Of course, the Sistine Chapel and St Peter's Basilica are incredibly impressive sights, but if you're interested in history or art, you probably already know these are the places to visit. 

You can easily spend a few hours exploring the Vatican Museum and admiring the artwork of the world's most famous artists, whose names you may remember from history class.

Vatican City is less than 10km away from Rome, which makes it easy to get there by train or subway. You don't need a passport to enter the Vatican, and it's completely free. However, you need to buy tickets to enter the museums. Make sure you book your tickets in advance to save time and skip waiting in long lines.

After spending hours exploring the Vatican, you can head back to Rome and visit the historic centre. Ancient ruins, stunning architecture, and picturesque cobblestone streets adding even more charm to this city; that's what you can expect when you get there. First, take a walk through Piazza Navona, one of the historic squares in Rome, surrounded by many cafes. Once you're there, why not stop for a coffee or gelato? Next, visit the Pantheon, a temple dedicated to ancient Rome's gods and have a stroll around. 

Note: If you want to see the inside of the Pantheon, you should know it's open to the public until 6:30pm. In that case, you can walk towards the Spanish Steps instead. 


Day Three: Fontana di Trevi and Villa Borghese 

This is your final day in Rome, and you can start it by visiting Trevi Fountain. It's yet another majestic gem of Rome. This 18th century fountain piques a great interest, and millions of people visit it every year. That being said, there's no right or wrong time to visit this place, as it's always packed with people. So unless you're willing to wake up at 5am, it's impossible to avoid it. 

Crowded, but definitely a must-see!

The myth says that if you throw a coin over your left shoulder in the fountain, you will return to Rome!

Afterwards, head to Villa Borghese, a stunning park full of several museums, galleries and various attractions. If you can't get enough of museums after your trip to Vatican City, go to Galleria Borghese, where you can find a collection of artwork by famous artists like Caravaggio and Bernini.

However, if you want to catch a break from art and history lessons, this landscape park has a lot to offer, and it's an excellent place to relax or do recreational activities. For example, you can rent a rowboat. After spending most of your time walking around the city, you may appreciate a different form of activity, like paddling through a lake in the park. With the Temple of Asclepius being the centrepiece of the lake and plenty of ducks, and turtles chilling by the water, you can really unwind after the intense 3 days of sightseeing. You can also go for lunch or drinks to one of the nearby bars at the Villa Borghese and enjoy the park's greenery and quiet atmosphere.

Other things you can do in Rome

Catacombs - Ancient underground burial places, to which you can book a guided tour. Check if this is suitable for you, as some of them might be claustrophobic. 

Museum of Leonardo da Vinci - If you find Leonardo da Vinci as fascinating as I do, consider visiting this museum. 

It's completely dedicated to his work, art and inventions, and to say it's jaw-dropping one person can have so many talents is an understatement. 


A three-day trip to Rome can seem like not enough, but with a little planning, you can see the highlights of the city and really enjoy this gateway. From the Colosseum to the Villa Borghese to visiting art galleries and culinary delights, you're sure to find something interesting to do in this city. So whether you're a food and history lover or just looking for a fun city break, Rome is your answer and will likely have you returning in no time.

Just help your luck and toss that coin in the fountain! 


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